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--- 3.15.4 (15.03.22) ---
NEW: Release channel option (stable/beta).

FIXED: Updated unannounced change of form login text string.
FIXED: PHP notice if no color is set on UX Color attribute.
FIXED: Swatches label center and right alignment on single product.
FIXED: Related product title indent with an increased site container width.
FIXED: Clear cart after payment on simple and focused templates in some cases.
FIXED: Missing return value in swatch preview column content filter.
FIXED: Product box swatch selected variation image in off-canvas.
FIXED: Lightbox tall images intersecting with the viewport.
FIXED: Builder: WCML custom product featured image reset.
FIXED: Typo in Flatsome registration admin notice string.
FIXED: Scroll to in combination with hidden sliders.
FIXED: Equalize product box in off-canvas.

ENHANCEMENT: Vertical Menu dropdown now responds to Container width & Full width menu item design.

Note: Beta pre releases will from now on now be presented in the WP update panel if enabled. Betas are the
versions of choice for testers in preparation for a theme release. They provide a short-term-stable point
to report bugs against. Grab these to make sure the upcoming release works well on your infrastructure.

--- 3.15.3 (15.01.22) ---
NEW: WooCommerce 6.1 compatibility.

ENHANCEMENT: Auto height for custom-sized vertical menu dropdowns.

FIXED: Open correct image in galleries.
FIXED: Open correct video with multiple video buttons.
FIXED: Toggle accordions when clicking on arrow.
FIXED: Site logo src=(unknown) if logo was not used pre 3.15.
FIXED: Product gallery thumbnail slider arrows for 5 thumbs.
FIXED: Swatches cache when an attribute is updated.
FIXED: Various RTL improvements.

--- 3.15.2 (21.12.21) ---
FIXED: Script file naming compatibility on some servers.
FIXED: Yoast integration options did not show (due to Yoast codebase changes).
FIXED: Slider with parallax enabled.
FIXED: Sidebar sub menu toggle.
FIXED: Page loader logo size.

ENHANCEMENT: Improved WP Rocket compatibility.

Note: Please remember to clear all cache and minification after updating.

--- 3.15.1 (17.12.21) ---
FIXED: Banner responsive values.
FIXED: Use the correct logo URL.
FIXED: Lightbox auto open.
FIXED: Lightbox gallery (combined page gallery).
FIXED: Logo size on simple and focused checkout style.

ENHANCEMENT: Prevent hotspot opening quick view in builder.

--- 3.15 (16.12.21) ---
NEW: Core JavaScript file is now only 56kb (16kb gzipped).
NEW: WooCommerce 6.0 compatibility.
NEW: Header vertical menu element.
NEW: Shape dividers (SVG graphic shapes).
NEW: Improved JS performance (lazy load reduced core modules).
NEW: Header vertical menu enable/disable icon option.
NEW: Header vertical menu height & width.
NEW: Header vertical menu tagline & text options.
NEW: Header vertical menu color & bg color options.
NEW: Header vertical menu fly-out keep open option.
NEW: Header vertical menu fly-out shadow option.
NEW: Header vertical menu fly-out color & bg color options.
NEW: Custom logo link option.
NEW: Sidebar top content option.
NEW: Sidebar tabs option.
NEW: Sidebar tabs text option.
NEW: Builder: Open tabs on hover option.
NEW: Builder: Shape divider color.
NEW: Builder: Shape divider height & width.
NEW: Builder: Shape divider flip option.
NEW: Builder: Shape divider to-front option.
NEW: Paysera and Revolut payment icon.

ENHANCEMENT: Added layout ID and scope classes to custom product page wrapper.
ENHANCEMENT: Set correct alpha for header background color.
ENHANCEMENT: Checkmark swatches in widget items on hover.
ENHANCEMENT: Builder: Hardened security.
ENHANCEMENT: Various CSS improvements.

FIXED: Builder: Render empty paragraphs.
FIXED: Builder: Initial value for conditional options.
FIXED: Open UX Builder correctly on wordpress.com.
FIXED: Set correct site logo width and height attributes.
FIXED: Navigation dropdown display under active menu item.
FIXED: Products: Ensure visibility for custom ID's on other styles than the default.
FIXED: Builder: Custom product reviews selection and sorting in hierarchy panel when empty.
FIXED: Container and full-width dropdown position on the very last menu item on the right.
FIXED: Sticky add to cart is now default disabled on composite product types.
FIXED: Container width dropdown when the main header is hidden when sticky.
FIXED: WooCommerce account page before and after navigation hooks.
FIXED: Terms and conditions lightbox content formatting.
FIXED: Customizer color picker palette styling in RTL.
FIXED: Products: PHP notice on an non existing tag.
FIXED: Various CSS improvements.

DEV: Added woocommerce_gallery_image_html_attachment_image_params filter.
DEV: Added flatsome_show_block_edit_tooltip filter.
DEV: Added flatsome_swatches_box_attribute filter.
DEV: Added flatsome_before_sidebar_menu action.
DEV: Added flatsome_before_sidebar_menu_elements action.
DEV: Added flatsome_after_sidebar_menu_elements action.
DEV: Added flatsome_after_sidebar_menu action.
DEV: Updated Angular.

Note: Minimum required WooCommerce version 4.4.0.

--- 3.14.3 --- (07.09.21)
NEW: HTML element in UX Builder.

FIXED: Builder: Render paragraphs correctly for classic editor content.
FIXED: Thank you page content option didn't render shortcodes.
FIXED: Scroll to on mobile navigated incorrectly in some cases.
FIXED: Infinite scroll on masonry catalog layout.

ENHANCEMENT: Improved swatch compatibility for multiple woocommerce extension plugins.
ENHANCEMENT: Builder: Check post existence before going into edit mode.
ENHANCEMENT: Shop sticky sidebar height when infinite scroll items are appended.
ENHANCEMENT: Improved WPML configuration.

REVERT: Builder does not wrap text element content with paragraph anymore. (Use the new HTML element for raw content instead)

--- 3.14.2 --- (22.07.21)
FIXED: Product categories element displayed sub categories.
FIXED: PHP notice product categories variable may not support offset operations.
FIXED: PHP error on a new product previewed in draft mode.
FIXED: Swatches admin image preview sizing.
FIXED: Various CSS improvements.

--- 3.14.1 --- (14.07.21)
FIXED: PHP issue with http_headers_useragent pre WP 5.1 3th party filter usage.
FIXED: Swatches incorrectly disabled in some cases.

ENHANCEMENT: Improved swatch caching.

--- 3.14.0 --- (13.07.21)
NEW: Product variation swatches.
NEW: UX Themes License manager.
NEW: WordPress 5.8 compatibility.
NEW: WooCommerce 5.5 compatibility.
NEW: Live search latency option.
NEW: Automatic New badge for products newer then x days.
NEW: Automatic New badge color option.
NEW: Infinitive option for all slide style elements.
NEW: Accordion collapsed product tab style.
NEW: Custom product stacked gallery style.
NEW: Builder: Sticky column option.
NEW: Swatches/attribute: Types (color, image, label).
NEW: Swatches/attribute: Size options.
NEW: Swatches/attribute: Shape options.
NEW: Swatches/attribute: Use variation image.
NEW: Swatches/product: Layout options.
NEW: Swatches/product: Tooltip option.
NEW: Swatches/product: Color selected option.
NEW: Swatches/shop: Show attribute variant swatches.
NEW: Swatches/shop: Layout options.
NEW: Swatches/shop: Size options.
NEW: Swatches/shop: Shape options.
NEW: Swatches/shop: Select event option (desktop).
NEW: Swatches/shop: Color selected option.
NEW: Swatches/shop: Selected swatch behavior option.
NEW: Swatches/shop: Update urls option.
NEW: Swatches/shop: Auto reset selection options.
NEW: Register: Lightbox panel layout options (left/right).
NEW: Register: Lightbox side panel custom UX Block.
NEW: Register: Lightbox side panel bg color option.
NEW: Register: Lightbox side panel bg image option.
NEW: Register: Lightbox side panel bg overlay option.
NEW: Google font-display 'auto' option.
NEW: Telegram share/follow icon.
NEW: Twitch follow icon.
NEW: Discord follow icon.
NEW: Updated Google Fonts list.

ENHANCEMENT: Auto open mini cart refactored to work on all add to cart buttons.
ENHANCEMENT: Improved accordion item toggle arrow position when opened.
ENHANCEMENT: Sale label and percentage formatting options can now contain HTML.
ENHANCEMENT: Improved variation summarize details in mini cart, cart and checkout.
ENHANCEMENT: Portfolio: Distinguish tag and category names from WordPress once.
ENHANCEMENT: Builder: Text font and line option with smaller increments.
ENHANCEMENT: Builder: Custom product element thumbnails.
ENHANCEMENT: Improved accessibility on various elements.
ENHANCEMENT: Flatsome icon font versioning.
ENHANCEMENT: Optimized content processing.
ENHANCEMENT: Improved CLS on sliders.

FIXED: Possible undefined variable in tabs element.
FIXED: Placement of wp_footer output on maintenance template.
FIXED: Accordion: Slider incorrect rendered in some cases.
FIXED: Body was scrollable when lightbox or off-canvas was opened.
FIXED: Single product review link did not navigate on accordion tab style.
FIXED: Custom product gallery style could not be chosen if global template was stacked gallery.
FIXED: Custom sale label text was not used as fallback with percentage option enabled.
FIXED: WooCommerce Setup Wizard button link displayed at the end of the Flatsome Setup Wizard.
FIXED: Wishlist button now only gets 'added' class to items that are actually in the wishlist.
FIXED: Shop filter not available on mobile search results page with custom Shop Page Content.
FIXED: Portfolio: Filter problem with the categories that may contain the same string.
FIXED: Product categories element did not show cats on PHP 8 if no Ids specified.
FIXED: Portfolio: Thumbnails missing on portfolio admin thumbnail column.
FIXED: UX Block edit link displayed on a deleted block reference.
FIXED: Maps: Incorrect height value in mobile devices.
FIXED: Slider: Missing closing bracket of embedded css.
FIXED: Menu item options confirmation after saving.
FIXED: Infinite scroll window title update.
FIXED: Various CSS improvements.

CHANGED: Builder does not wrap text element content with paragraph anymore.
CHANGED: Login style setting moved to Header → Account.
CHANGED: Register Flatsome with a purchase code.

DEV: Hook priority flatsome_add_icons_css changed from 10 → 150.
DEV: Added new flatsome_product_attribute_term_fields action.
DEV: Added new flatsome_new_flash_html filter.
DEV: Added new flatsome_swatch_html filter.
DEV: Added new flatsome_swatch_image_size filter.
DEV: Added new flatsome_swatches_cache_time filter.
DEV: Removed 'Inc' in namespaces.

Note: Minimum required WooCommerce version 4.0.0.

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